Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Si Drama


Nama : Drama
Nama Panjang : Dramaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Alamat : Jalan Sarkas, Kelurahan Alay, Kecamatan Lebay, Kota Administrasi Cari Perhatian
Hobi : Mencari Panggung untuk Pentas
Cita-cita : Drama Queen 
Kata-kata Mutiara : Gue Suka, Hidup Gue Kebanyakan Ala-ala 
Hal yang Disukai : Diomongin, Digosipin, Di-iri-in
Hal yang Dibenci : Orang yang Berfikir Positif
Aktivitas Saat Ini : Sengaja Menghilang Biar Dicari.

Aku suka mencari kesalahan orang lain.
Aku bangga kalau orang lain merespon kepura-puraan yang aku ciptakan.
Aku sangat menikmati cerita derita yang aku karang-karang sendiri tentang diriku.
Aku merasa puas kalau orang lain percaya cerita kebohongan yang aku tuliskan.
Aku akan bertepuk tangan dengan sangat keras kalau cerita berlebihanku tentang seseorang akan ditanggapi serius dengan tangisan dan makian dari orang yang bersangkutan.

Musuh besarku cuma satu. Karma!
Sampai sekarang, dia belum datang menghampiri.
Namun, konon kabarnya, Karma tidak mengenal kadaluarsa.
Dia akan datang nanti pada masanya.
Entah kapan.
Pintaku Tuhan, jangan sekarang!
Masih banyak episode drama tentang beberapa teman yang belum aku tayangkan, dan masih menumpuk skenario drama tentang segelintir mantan yang harus aku hafalkan.

Semoga Karma berkenan menunggu.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

When Life Begins

They say life begins at 40. Well, let me tell you the truth. Nightmares begin at 40.

Approaching the age of 40, you start to receive call and news about the death of your relatives, your friend’s parent, and your friends of your age. You probably even have to face the death of your own parent or siblings. And there is no manual for this. No matter how prepare you think you are, you are not. Believe me.

You start to have physical disorders. Unlike common physical disorders you used to have when you were younger. You used to have flu-like-syndrome diseases, common viral diseases and common bacterial diseases. It’s nothing like those disorders. Not even close.

Image result for images about life begins
You start seeing doctors. A lot of them. A lot of time. You have multiple complaints. You complain about your headache. About your knee. About your skin. About your grey hair. About your irregular cycle of menstruation. About your unstable emotion. About your keep-forgetting-something-brain. About every inch of your body.

After the third meeting with your doctor, you begin to think about your own death. You start asking the if-questions. What if it’s an incurable disorder? What if it deteriorates to lethal stage? What if your insurances won’t cover? What if you died suddenly?

And you begin to fear death, the thing that never crossed your mind it would happen to you. Not this soon, at least. The thing that you thought only happen to older people.

When that moment happens to you, that’s when your life begins.

Because life begins when you realize there’s death ahead.

"Every soul will taste death. Then to Us will you be returned" 